BOLERO 21 Quick and intuitive Proven technologyMade with sturdy, high-quality materials, such as stainless steeland BPA-free plasticsHot water from a separate dispenserCoffee intensity and volume (S/M/L) selectable directly on the displayEco mode and boiler insulation for reduced energy consumptionSimplified rinsing and descaling programsPatented mixing systems PRODUCTS SOLUBLE COFFEESMILKSOLUBLE TEASOLUBLE BARLEYSOLUBLE QUALITY CHOCOLATEPREMIUM GINSENG
BRERA Complete management (dispensing, technical settings) of the machine via display Patented Multibeverage machine (2 capsule systems) without cross contaminationDrink water temperature adjustable according to the type of drinkCredit top-up management system1.8L water tankInstalled power 1300 – 1500 W PRODUCTS SINGLE-PORTION HOT DRINKS